
Aug 4, 2023

Rajasthan Police Syllabus 2023

The syllabus for the Rajasthan Police Constable recruitment exam usually includes the following subjects/topics

Rajasthan Police Syllabus 2023

Rajasthan Police Syllabus 2023

1. **General Knowledge:** This section tests candidates' knowledge of current affairs, history, geography, culture, Indian polity, economics, and other related topics.

2. **Reasoning and Logic:** Questions in this section assess candidates' logical reasoning, analytical ability, coding-decoding, puzzles, series completion, and similar topics.

3. **Numerical Ability:** This section includes questions on basic arithmetic, percentages, averages, ratios, proportions, data interpretation, and other mathematical concepts.

4. **Rajasthan Culture, History, Geography, and Polity:** As the exam is specific to Rajasthan Police, there is usually a section dedicated to questions related to the culture, history, geography, and political structure of Rajasthan.

5. **General Science:** Questions related to basic science concepts in subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science might be included.

6. **Current Affairs:** Candidates might be asked questions related to recent events, both national and international, to test their awareness of current affairs.

7. **Computer Knowledge:** Basic questions about computer fundamentals, software, hardware, and general computer awareness might be included.

It's important to note that the Rajasthan Police Constable syllabus can vary from year to year, and the specific topics and weightage assigned to each subject may change. To prepare effectively for the exam, it's recommended to refer to the official recruitment notification or syllabus provided by the Rajasthan Police Department for the most accurate and updated information.
